Friday 22 October 2010

College Magazine


I think that my college magazine cover is quite eye catching as it has a large curving title at the top of the page consisting of white text and a black shadow. The black shadow gives the title a bit more depth which makes it stand out slightly more. The rest of the text on the page consists of blues and purples which stand out and are easy to read on the grayish background. The picture at the bottom of the cover is large and takes up pretty much the bottom half of the page which again would attract attention to the page. For the contents page I decided to use a picture to fill the whole of the page. I chose this picture because I wanted to then put the actual contents in the middle of the circle of people. The title i chose to have red as it stands out against the background. I also kept the same shape curvy pattern for the contents title like the front cover title to keep consistency in my magazine. The text on my contents page is also red for consistency on the page and I chose to put this text on a black background. This was because it is easier to read the text like this.

Although I am quite pleased with my final magazine, there would be several things that I would change. Firstly I would add more pictures and text to both the front cover and contents pages. This is because at the moment the pages look quite simple and would be better if there were more pictures and text for readers. I would also make the layout slightly different on the front cover by not having the text in just straight lines down the sides. I would add more text captions around this page to offer more to the readers. The contents page doesn't have much on it so I would have added more pictures around the side matching what the actual contents text says. I would maybe change the background on the front cover to something a bit more colourful as this would make it more attractive and eye catching.

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