Friday 11 February 2011

Gender Representation

Gender representation is important in any form of advertisement. The male gender is usually portrayed as tough, brave and muscular. This applies in many advertisments as the company selling the products will want their models or the people featured in the advert to attract the viewers to them and their product. This will also apply to the female gender who are usually portrayed in adverts as attractive and elegant, which will again attract the viewers to the advert and take more notice in the product. Things like phones, ipods, laptops and other gadgets are mainly aimed at the male population as they are portrayed as more "gadget savy" than females. However things like beauty products and things like that would be aimed at the female population. This means that adverts have to attract and appeal to their target audiences if they are wanting to make a successful advert and sell their products.

Friday 4 February 2011

Magazine History Research


The NME music magazine is one of the most popular and oldest surviving magazines to date. The magazine started off quite slow as other magazines like "Sound" were selling much more copies. However with the introduction of new journalists and a wider range of articles the NME eventually sold much more copies worldwide and survives to the current day unlike its many rivals who folded many years ago. NME adapted by giving its readers more articles, artists and genres of music throughout the years and was written in a way unlike any other magazine. This was the main reason NME remained so popular throughout the years, giving what its readers wanted and offering the widest variety of music articles. Ownership affected the NME alot since the begining. At first NME was not as popular as other leading magazines at that time, however when new people were brought in it eventualy became very popular. Many different articles and information was put in the magazines, however years after the introduction of the NME, the ownership was changed and so was the style of the magazine. The magazine in this ownership became all and only about music whereas before articles covered such things as everday events, politics and news. The writers and journalistic styles were also very important to the NME. The way in which the stories were covered and the way that the articles were wrote were one of the main reasons why NME was so successful and popular. For example at one point an NME edition was devoted to teenage suicide. although it didnt sell very many copies, it was things like these and how they were written which allowed NME to become so successful.