Thursday 31 March 2011

Web 1.0, 2.0, 3.0

Web 1.0 - Is a fairly old Internet that only allows people to read from the Internet. For example people who go on a web 1.0 website can only see and read what is on it and can not edit or contribute to it. Web 1.0 also allowed the use for simple hyperlinks between websites.

Web 2.0 - Is a more advanced and up to date version of the Internet. This type of web allows the interaction with individual users on websites. For example wikipedia and other things like interactable encyclopedias and dictionaries allows for anyone to edit the articles on it. Blog websites also fall into this category as well as social networking sites. This type of Internet also allows the use of advanced gaming.

Web 3.0 - This is the newest and most advanced version of the web. It allows for a lot more personalization and has more "intelligent" searches meaning that searches will be closer to what you asked for. Web 3.0 will improve search engines a great deal however this type of web has not yet been transitioned to most websites.

Tuesday 22 March 2011

Magazine Analysis - Audiences and Institutions

The NME is a popular music magazine that has been around for decades. Since its first release the magazine has had to adapt and change over the years to keep and gain audiences. One way in which it has done this in recent years is the use of more technologies to promote and display the magazine. As well as having a magazine, NME also has a website. This website may not offer as much detail in the stories as the magazine however it does offer things like videos, photo galleries and ticket sales. These features will attract a wider audience and will attract more people to the actual magazine. Another thing which can be seen on the website are the advertisements for things like festivals and available tickets to buy. Another very important feature in my opinion of the website is that the public can comment on it. With people being able to comment on the website and ask questions it allows for a wider audience and gets people more involved which will most likely keep them interested in the magazine. In my opinion if the NME never had the website then its readership would significantly lower than it is now. This suggests that technological convergence is very important for media institutions as they need to keep a large readership and audience and offer something appealing and different than rivals.

Friday 18 March 2011

Magazine Homework Task

The NME has both a printed magazine on sale and a website to go with it. The magazine offers a great deal of information about many different music artists, has posters and several interviews with stars. The website for NME also has lots of information, interviews and it has a large section where tickets to many different concerts can be bought. The website also lets readers comment on stories and input what they think to the story. The website also offers readers a chance to listen to new music that has recently been released. Although the website probably offers more to readers like a music player and options to buy tickets to concerts, the magazine probably offers much more detail in the stories. This is probably because the magazine needs to offer readers something different to what the website offers or sales would be much lower. Magazines are sometimes more popular because the buyers can read it anywhere they like, for example on a journey and don't need a computer.

Tuesday 8 March 2011

Spooks - ethnicity representation

How is ethnicity represented in this extract?

This extract represents ethnicity in two very different ways in my opinion. The first is suppose to make the viewers feel hatred and anger at the terrorists featured in the clip. The terrorist group leader kidnapps 2 of the characters, killing one of them, and then in the extract we see him pour fuel over the remaining female captive. We also see him telling the woman that her children will be able to watch a video of her being burned on the internet when they are older. This is showing the viewers that this man does not care who he hurts or kills to get what he wants and making the viewers feel anger towards him. This character is portrayed in a very negative way and makes the viewers feel dislike and anger towards him. However the female terrorist is represented in a very different way. In the clip we see that she has a bomb inside her. At first the viewers would probably think she is a bad character however we see that she has basically been forced to do this attack. It is revealed that this character has had her whole family killed by the British/American army in the war. In the clip we see her say that she doesn't want to do this and starts crying. Eventually she hands over the detonator and tells the MI5 officer where the captive is being held. This character makes the viewers feel very differently to how the other terrorist did. We are made to feel empathy towards her and feel sorry for what has happened to her. It also suggests that not all terrorists are how we would stereotypically expect.