Friday 18 March 2011

Magazine Homework Task

The NME has both a printed magazine on sale and a website to go with it. The magazine offers a great deal of information about many different music artists, has posters and several interviews with stars. The website for NME also has lots of information, interviews and it has a large section where tickets to many different concerts can be bought. The website also lets readers comment on stories and input what they think to the story. The website also offers readers a chance to listen to new music that has recently been released. Although the website probably offers more to readers like a music player and options to buy tickets to concerts, the magazine probably offers much more detail in the stories. This is probably because the magazine needs to offer readers something different to what the website offers or sales would be much lower. Magazines are sometimes more popular because the buyers can read it anywhere they like, for example on a journey and don't need a computer.

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