Thursday 31 March 2011

Web 1.0, 2.0, 3.0

Web 1.0 - Is a fairly old Internet that only allows people to read from the Internet. For example people who go on a web 1.0 website can only see and read what is on it and can not edit or contribute to it. Web 1.0 also allowed the use for simple hyperlinks between websites.

Web 2.0 - Is a more advanced and up to date version of the Internet. This type of web allows the interaction with individual users on websites. For example wikipedia and other things like interactable encyclopedias and dictionaries allows for anyone to edit the articles on it. Blog websites also fall into this category as well as social networking sites. This type of Internet also allows the use of advanced gaming.

Web 3.0 - This is the newest and most advanced version of the web. It allows for a lot more personalization and has more "intelligent" searches meaning that searches will be closer to what you asked for. Web 3.0 will improve search engines a great deal however this type of web has not yet been transitioned to most websites.

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