Tuesday 22 March 2011

Magazine Analysis - Audiences and Institutions

The NME is a popular music magazine that has been around for decades. Since its first release the magazine has had to adapt and change over the years to keep and gain audiences. One way in which it has done this in recent years is the use of more technologies to promote and display the magazine. As well as having a magazine, NME also has a website. This website may not offer as much detail in the stories as the magazine however it does offer things like videos, photo galleries and ticket sales. These features will attract a wider audience and will attract more people to the actual magazine. Another thing which can be seen on the website are the advertisements for things like festivals and available tickets to buy. Another very important feature in my opinion of the website is that the public can comment on it. With people being able to comment on the website and ask questions it allows for a wider audience and gets people more involved which will most likely keep them interested in the magazine. In my opinion if the NME never had the website then its readership would significantly lower than it is now. This suggests that technological convergence is very important for media institutions as they need to keep a large readership and audience and offer something appealing and different than rivals.

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